Thursday, October 13, 2005

Dean Jorge Bocobo's back

-- The Dean is back.

-- ‘Fund for Truth’ reaches P264,000 at launching

CONTRIBUTIONS to the "Piso Para sa Katotohanan" fund-raising campaign for three embattled military officials yesterday reached P264,505, first day of the drive.

Sen. Alfredo Lim, who launched the fund drive Tuesday, said at least 16 senators including him, have "donated" P10,000 each to the fund. Other donations, he said, came from private individuals who went either to his Senate office or at the offices of the radio station where he has a daily afternoon program.

Lim said the amount does not include the pledges or commitments made by various individuals.

The fund drive is intended for Brig. Gen. (ret.) Francisco Gudani, Lt. Col. Alexander Balutan and Capt. Marlon Mendoza, who all testified before the Senate on alleged fraud perpetrated by the Arroyo camp in the May 2004 elections.

-- First, si DECS Usec Jose Miguel Luz ang sinibak for being too honest. Ngayon, si Bill Luz naman ang pinagiinitan, dahil naging kontra Arroyo na siya. The timing of Bill Luz's "illegal alien" case is very suspicious.

-- Lito Bayano: Mabuhay ka, Renato Constantino. At di ko alam na may kakilala rin pala si Aragoncillo sa Arroyo administration.

Oh, and by the way, it turns out that this fellow Aragoncillo is also a friend of some in the Arroyo administration. Mike Defensor admitted he knew the guy. The deputy chief of mission of the Philippine Embassy, Ariel Abadilla, and political officers in Washington D.C., "foreign agents" by definition of US Code 50, apparently knew him too.

And Rep. Rodito Albano, whom Aragoncillo probably thought shared his sentiments, was apparently likewise a regular recipient of his periodic "reports". Who then shared Aragoncillo’s reports to the Dona, misma!

Will wonders never cease? Double agent pa pala itong si Aragoncillo, it turns out. What went to the political opposition, and what went to Dona Gloria or her acolytes, we will not get to know, unless the FBI starts de-classifying.

And don’t rely on Wycoco, or Raul, or their servant Atty. Diaz, to tell you anything but their "drawing" and gibberish.

-- De Quiros:

The problem is not making her more evil, the problem is making the cause of ousting her more good.

Can it be done? Yes. I've been proposing it again and again, and feeling more and more like a voice in the wilderness: Oust Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, hold an election. That is thesis and antithesis. That is tyranny and democracy. That is evil and good.

Exactomundo! And read this too.

-- Wretchard is now a member of the Pajamas Media Editorial Board, alongside the likes of Michael Barone, David Corn, and John Podhoretz (NYPOST, NRO's The Corner).

I thought the guy was old, LOL.

-- Bad news for Phoenix Suns fans. Should the Suns still try to make it to the playoffs, or tank the season na lang for a shot at that top pick ala Spurs/Duncan?

-- P1.05 trillion: That the pricetag for allowing Arroyo to illegally stay in power.

-- Something that does not happen often: Me agreeing with Winnie Monsod. (hat tip: MLQ3)

-- Ducky Paredes: the truth re Bro. Eddie's estafa case.

-- the US wants Erap back? I don't know about that, but I do know kung bakit galit ang Bush admin kay Arroyo:

Washington has always assumed that the Philippines is America's forever and must be kept as such because of its strategic location as gateway to Southeast Asia. But beyond that, Washington knows that should the Philippines slip out of its grip, the US might as well kiss Southeast Asia goodbye.

This country is America's remaining bastion in a vital region which is increasingly being drawn into China's orbit. Should the Philippines then suddenly fall within China's orbit, you can imagine the nightmarish impact that would have on the American position in Southeast Asia. That would mean, among others, a Philippines whose foreign policy would be tilted basically and even heavily in favor of China and that is something that would be plainly unacceptable to the US.

That scenario isn't a theoretical possibility. Under GMA's presidency, that scenario has become quite real and perhaps even imminent. Following Philippine withdrawal from America's war in Iraq and the displeasure displayed by the Bush government along with the harsh and even insulting words which it directed at GMA, she had made clear that she would be playing the China card, and play it she has done with gusto.

She then proceeded to sign a complex of economic and military agreements with China and made sure that the nation's mining laws were amended to accommodate China's desire for access to this country's natural resources. China, correspondingly, has responded and responded aggressively to GMA's playing of the China card.

-- More Riddles from Ernie Maceda.

-- Commission on Appointments bypass Arroyo appointee Amando Doronila

THE Commission on Appointments yesterday technically bypassed newspaper columnist Amando Doronila who was nominated ambassador to Benelux countries and to the European Union, and the promotions of two controversial generals.

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