Thursday, October 06, 2005

Drudge, Instapundit and Michelle Malkin picks up the Aragoncillo spy story


Here's Michelle Malkin and Glenn Reynold's links.

Read the part from ABC news:

Both the FBI and CIA are calling it the first case of espionage in the White House in modern history.

Officials tell ABC News the alleged spy worked undetected at the White House for almost three years. Leandro Aragoncillo, 46, was a U.S. Marine most recently assigned to the staff of Vice President Dick Cheney...

...Officials say the classified material, which Aragoncillo stole from the vice president's office, included damaging dossiers on the president of the Philippines. He then passed those on to opposition politicians planning a coup in the Pacific nation.

Unfortunately, this will only help Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, a corrupt president (worse than estrada) who really did steal the last presidential elections in 2004. She will use this news to dismiss those who are calling for her resignation (since June because of GLORIAGATE) as "coup-plotters," "destabilizers," and "power grabbers."

This is only going to make it worse for our country since it will probably prolong her stay in Malacanang.

UPDATE: Worse is that people might start believing Miriam Defensor Santiago's insane claim that former president Cory Aquino and Sen. Franklin Drilon are involved in an "assassination plot" against Mrs. Arroyo.

UPDATE: Capt. Ed noted that the NYTimes had an important clarification on the White House Spy Scandal that maybe didn't happen.

MLQ3 thinks this spy story hurts everyone involved.

And former Ramos official and Pinoy Australian blogger Wretchard is already using the story to attack the Philippine opposition.

1 comment:

  1. what if the government officials involved are not who you expected them to be?
