Monday, October 24, 2005

"I plead guilty to the fact that I thought that GMA would be a better alternative to Estrada."

Candid admission from Cory Aquino.

-- Conrado de Quiros comments. Even though I did not support Edsa dos, I have no problems with CDQ about his statement here:

Taking part in the struggle to oust Erap was something to be proud of, even if it produced the nasty result of putting GMA in power. We are not prescient like God, we are fallible like Adam. We cannot know the future. We were right to fight Erap in the same way that we were right to fight Marcos. But we were wrong to allow GMA to become what she is today.

Even though I may not always agree with him on every issue, the guy is at least consistent and principled, at hindi selective ang "moral compass" nya, unlike some pro-arroyo supporters we know. ;)

And De Quiros makes another good point.

But more than that, Cory apologizes for the wrong thing for the wrong reasons. What does it mean when someone says it was easy to replace Erap with GMA but not GMA with Noli? It means, firstly, that ousting a tyrant-or worse, a usurper-is not a matter of necessity but of choice, depending on whether there is a "suitable replacement" or not. It means, secondly, thinking in terms of personalities rather than principles-depending on whether the successor is friend or foe. And it means, thirdly, thinking like a powerbroker, decreeing who is to come and who is to go.


And finally this:

I personally have no problems accepting De Castro if that is what the Constitution says should happen. But as I've been saying again and again, when GMA goes, it won't be a case of the presidency being vacated, it will be a case of the presidency never having been occupied. GMA is not the president, she never won the elections. The alternative is clear as black and white: GMA is not the elected president, let us have an elected president. The last elections were a sham, let us have real elections. The alternative is not someone a group of powerbrokers may demand, it is someone only the voters may decree. The one element that has been absent all this time is the people. It's time we brought them back into the picture.

I feel the same way.

-- Ducky Paredes comments.

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