Saturday, October 08, 2005

Ignacio Bunye turns combative

From Malaya:

Many of this administration’s allies have been wondering why Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye has turned combative, lecturing senators on what they should or should not do. Previously, he was seen as the "liberal" face of a Cabinet turning more authoritarian. So why this transformation into a rabies-infected attack dog?

Rep. Tony Cuenco of Cebu, a Gloria Arroyo loyalist, had a suggestion. He said Bunye should be sidelined and presidential political adviser Gabby Claudio instead serve as Palace pointman in a dialogue with legislators on EO 464, the order barring practically every official in the Executive department from appearing before Congress without the permission of Malacañang.

It was a reasonable proposal. Something has to be done to heal the rift between the Executive and Legislative.

Cuenco’s suggestion, however, is based on a false assumption, that Bunye is somehow a rogue of a spokesman who is winging it all by himself.

It simply is not the case. He is presidential spokesman, aside from his other hat as press secretary. He is presumed to reflect the thinking of his principal. And Gloria just yesterday confirmed that the sustained assault on Congress, especially the Senate, is high policy.

How else could one interpret her call on senators to stop their "mindless preoccupation with all things political" and do something, anything to help her?

It’s a formal declaration of war, and nobody should be surprised at the turn of events.

Gloria is on self-preservation mode. The Senate is looking into the "Hello Garci" tapes, the Venable contract, the Northrail contract, the fertilizer deal in the run-up to the 2004 election.

The "Hello Garci" tapes and fertilizer deal hearings are expected to expose more proof of stealing and buying the presidential election. This is the main reason Gloria wants a stop to the Senate inquiries. The appeal to separation of powers and executive privilege is but smoke and mirrors in Gloria’s fight for self-preservation.

We have come to that pass where an illegitimate, incompetent and corrupt administration is forced to resort to force and deceit to stay in power. Nothing will bar it from pursuing this end. Not the Constitution. Not the laws. Not morality. Not decency.

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