Monday, October 17, 2005

Jocelyn "Joc Joc" Bolante

Mrs. Arroyo's bagman is now living in Chicago and is a Rotary treasurer in that area.

From the Tribune:

The alleged bagman and personal campaign fund-raiser of President Arroyo and her husband Jose Miguel “Mike” Arroyo has been sighted in Chicago, Illinois, to where he apparently fled to skirt a Senate investigation of his involvement in a P3-billion fertilizer funds that were diverted to the Chief Executive's war chest in the May 2004 elections.

Reliable sources yesterday said former Agriculture Undersecretary Jocelyn “Joc Joc” Bolante is now treasurer of Rotary Club International, one of whose local chapters in the Philippines counts the First Gentleman as member.

Mr. Arroyo himself is in a supposedly self-imposed “exile” in the United States on orders of his wife to also escape congressional inquiries into his role in poll fraud last year, among other scandals that have been alleged to involve the First Couple.

MalacaƱang also yesterday reiterated that it would not “lift a finger” to search for the resigned Bolante.

During a phone interview, the secretary to the Cabinet, Ricardo Saludo, said missing Bolante had left the Department of Agriculture (DA) and thefore is already a private citizen over whom the government has no control anymore.

A Senate committee headed by administration Sen. Ramon Magsaysay Jr. is investigating the fertilizer funds scam and was due to subpoena Bolante when the former DA official disappeared.


- Billions in Farm Funds used for Arroyo Campaign
- Joc Joc Bolante missing, did not attend Senate hearings.


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