Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Veto Holders

According to Dean Jorge Bocobo, there are three powerful "veto holders" which has help kept Mrs. Arroyo's illegitimate rule alive:

Anyway, this is really a continuation of my last post Game Theory and Gloriagate. It is my "game-theoretic model" of the relationship between President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and the three main forces that saved her from certain doom last July and therefore hold VETOES on her continued stay in power: (1) the US Government, which has stayed perfectly, and properly, neutral on Gloriagate, at least on the surface; (2) the Catholic Church hierarchy, which has defined perfectly and properly the moral perimeters and points of intersection with Gospel teachings of Gloriagate while taking no action; and (3) what I call the Military-Political Complex, headed, but not necessarily dominated by former President Fidel Ramos and House Speaker Jose de Venecia.

Seems about right. Click the link to read the rest.

I think it would be a good idea for those people who want to see Arroyo resign to reassure the Americans na RP cooperation with the US on anti-terrorism will continue and improve once GMA is out.

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