Thursday, November 17, 2005

8 out of 10 reject House killing of impeach rap

From Malaya:

Eighty-four percent of Filipinos feel that the impeachment complaint against President Arroyo should have been discussed in Congress more thoroughly in the interest of truth, a survey conducted by Pulse Asia from Oct. 15 to 27 showed.

The survey, which had 1,200 respondents, showed that 53 percent felt that the impeachment complaint should have been discussed more fully by the House justice committee and the complainants allowed to present evidence before it was dismissed in September.

Thirty-one percent said congressmen should have allowed the complaint to reach the Senate. Only 15 percent said the House of Representatives was correct in dismissing the complaint.

This sentiment was highest in Metro Manila with 92 percent, followed by Luzon (90 percent), Visayas (79 percent), and Mindanao (74 percent). Among the socioeconomic classes, the sentiment was most prevalent among the Class D (85 percent), followed by Classes ABC and E (84 percent).

Ellen Tordesillas has more:

The latest survey of Pulse Asia released yesterday is a slap on the face of Gloria Arroyo.

Arroyo has been bragging the past two weeks about how good the economy is, credit that to her governance. Well, the people do not feel it. In the Pulse Asia nationwide survey conducted from Oct. 15 to 27, 2005, 73 per cent of respondents said they are worse off now than last year while an even bigger percentage (87 percent) expressed the same sentiment in relation to the plight of the nation as a whole.

Those who agreed with Arroyo that life is good nowadays must belong to the 10 percent who say they are well-off/wealthy. They must be her family members and friends. Most Filipinos (75 percent), on the other hand, consider themselves to be poor/very poor.

Proof that people believe their pocket and their stomach more than Arroyo’s propaganda is the level of pessimism regarding the future which increased by 9 percent, both at the personal (58 percent from 49) and national levels (74 percent from 65).

Pulse Asia noted that pessimism at the personal and national levels are at their highest since the series was started in 1999 and 2001, respectively.

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