Monday, November 14, 2005

AP: Female Iraqi bomber is sister of top Al-Qaida figure in Iraq

Here's the link.

AMMAN, Jordan - Police have captured an Iraqi woman would-be suicide bomber who failed to detonate her explosives inside one of Amman's three bombed hotels, blown up by three other Al-Qaida cell members including her husband, Jordan announced Sunday in a dramatic breakthrough in the case.

The woman, identified as the sister of Jordanian-born Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's former right hand man in Iraq's volatile Anbar province, was to make a televised confession on Jordan's state-run television later in the day, officials said.

Jordan's deputy premier said the four Iraqis drove into Jordan from Iraq on Nov. 4, just five days before the attacks and rented an apartment in western Amman. They took taxis to the attack sites on Wednesday.

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