Monday, November 07, 2005

Are you ready for the Great Debate?

-- Malaya Editorial: Economy no way to go but up?

Now let’s talk about business. Except for cell phones, not many products are moving nowadays. The reason is that people do not have money to spare. When their purchasing power is further eroded, they will be forced to forego even items that they have been habitually buying. Lower demand immediately translates into lower production. Real businessmen – not those brown-nosing leaders of the chambers of commerce who seem to be spending more of their time before the TV cameras than on the factory floor - are already running scared.

Read the whole article.

-- PCIJ: Are Filipinos ready for "the great debate" on Arroyo's Cha-cha? Is this a repeat of Marcos' effort to pass the garbage 1973 Consitution?

-- PDI Editorial: Terrorizing media

Related: Neal Cruz interviews alleged "terrorist-coddler" and ABS-CBN TV anchor Julius Babao. He also has some interesting stuff on Jonathan Tiongco. Didn't know Mr. Tiongco was a "human rights activist," LOL! This is interesting too:

Contrary to what Rear Adm. Tirso Danga, AFP deputy chief of staff for intelligence, said on Oct. 27--that Santos had been missing since he was released on April 26--Santos appeared during a scheduled hearing last week at the Tarlac court, but it was the fiscal who was missing.

And this:

As of now, these are the only undeniable facts: (1) Isafp agents filed a report stating that Babao bailed out Santos based on very flimsy evidence or without any proof at all and without bothering to get confirmation; (2) Isafp's top officials passed on this raw information to the President; (3) the President invited columnist Ramon Tulfo to Malacañang and passed on the information to him, expecting him to mention it in his column; and (4) Tulfo promptly did just that.

Read the rest of Neal's article here.

-- Ninez Cacho Olivares: GMA is not FVR or JDV's fool

Still, she does hold all the aces while she continues to sit in Malacañang. The Comelec is still under her power and control, even if it claims to be an independent, constitutional body. If a new draft charter not to her liking is presented to the people in a plebiscite, why all she has to do is to make a few phone calls to the Comelec officials and order them to make ang bawas, ang bawas, instead of saying, yung dagdag, yung dagdag, to ensure the new Charter's defeat at the polls.

She can always say, well, you know, we tried. But there would also be the gloating — after the rejection of the draft Charter, with the claim that the people have spoken. They want her to finish her term.

Gloria already proved that Jose de Venecia and Fidel Ramos can't get their way. What did you think that Pichay challenge was all about, if not to threaten De Venecia with the loss of his Speakership?

What was all that leak of the Ramos coup plot as alleged in the US Embassy reports if not to deflate Ramos' proposal of cutting short her term?

-- Wow! Mali!

T’WAS a mistake.

Shortly after PNP chief Arturo Lomibao issued a statement yesterday saying the PNP caught only a "look alike" of Radullan Sahiron and apologized for the mistake, Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye sent text messages to Palace reporters asking that President Arroyo’s glowing remarks about the war against the Abu Sayyaf and terrorism be "disregard(ed)."

Bunye also sent media copies of Lomibao’s statement as read by PNP spokesman Leopoldo Bataoil, acknowledging the PNP’s mistake.

"General Lomibao’s statement is self-explanatory. This setback will not deter us from vigorously pursuing the fight against terrorism," he said
More from Dean Jorge Bocobo on the "wow mali" capture:

This is really funny and sad at the same time. The President is grasping at any straw and jumping at any chance to look presidential. Things like this are anything but.

-- Dawud Santos: I'm not hiding! Nandidiyan lang naman pala siya eh.

The alleged Muslim militant accused by the military of planning bomb attacks in the country yesterday denied he was in hiding after posting bail and stressed he is not a fugitive.

The military, for its part, virtually confirmed this, saying that, as the suspect is out on bail, it has little or no hold over him.

During a radio interview, Tyrone Santos also known as “Dawud,” who posted bail last April 26, denied the military's accusation that he had jumped bail, insisting that he had attended all the legal proceedings since his arrest.

“I am not a bad person, I am not a terrorist,” Santos said during the interview.

Dawud also denied he is in hiding contrary to that which the military had earlier claimed.

“I will not hide, I am not hiding. I have no reason to hide,” he added.

Authorities say Santos was stockpiling explosives for use in bomb attacks on Western targets in Manila.

-- Kilusang Makabansang Ekonomiya Prayer Rally on Nov. 11

From Emma Roxas of KME:

KME (Kilusang Makabansang Ekonomiya) is holding a
massive prayer rally and mass mobilization on Nov. 11,
2005, at 2 p.m. at the Liwasang Bonifacio. Many
bishops will be in attendance (Bishops Tobias,
Iniguez, Labayen, Drona, Navarra of Bacolod, etc.)
together with many leading officers of the major
religious superiors of the Phils. Many universities
will join.

-- Baka, manok at asukal tumaas ang presyo!

-- JB Baylon: What's on the soldiers mind?

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