Sunday, November 06, 2005

Bloggers in other countries are under attack for critical blogging

From Committee to Protect Bloggers:

Please sign this new petition asking the Egyptian Interior ministry to free Abdolkarim Nabil Seliman, currently in an Egyptian jail for his critical blogging.

While you're at it, don't forget to sign the petition for the blogger Omid Sheikhan who has been sentenced to 1.5 years in an Iranian jail and 124 lashes.

Don't forget to sign the petition for Mojtaba Saminejad, either, who is languishing in the general population of an Iranian jail for daring to express his opinion on his blog.

To sign the petitions, click on the link above. Sana hindi dumating sa ganitong punto ang situation natin sa Pilipinas.

MORE: Libyan blogger imprisoned.

Here's additional info on the arrest of Egyptian blogger Nabil Seliman. His arrest seems to be getting a lot of attention in the blogosphere.

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