Saturday, November 19, 2005

A Garci Sighting?

Just when everyone and his mother is wondering whether Garci is deep down in the Celebes Sea, or somewhere in the wilds of the Amazon, a chirping bird from the rotten Comelec building in old Intramuros tells me that he has come back.

Yes, he has, the birdie chirped and swore. He surfaced in his Bukidnon farm last Wednesday, and was assumed to be somewhere in Cagayan de Oro, though not his house, as of Thursday. He has talked over the telephone with one or two fellow commissioners, I am told, although he may not have told them of his exact whereabouts. He has conferred with two of Dona Gloria’s, and esposo Juan Miguel’s most trusted political operators. One is a congressman, the other an election lawyer who used to be as notorious as Garci himself among Comelec insiders, until Hello Garci made Garci "world-class" in the cheating department.

Soon, I am told, Garci will face the press, and tell his tale. Right now, the favorite operators of Dona Gloria y su esposo are still finalizing the script. Garci had enough time to listen and re-listen to the taped conversations for the past six months since Bunye exploded the bunyeta of the two discs, mismo, en Malacanang. So he has studied well and hard kung papaano lulusot. His tale is now being given the once-over by the two experts, one a propagandist cum political operator, the other an election cheating expert. See, even an expert like Garci needs professional advice.

From Lito Banayo. Game ka na ba Garci? Can't wait for your press conference.

More: Nasa Bukidnon si Garci raw.

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