Wednesday, November 02, 2005

GMA boy Mike Defensor to defend Arroyo in People's Court

This is going to be interesting. He will bring documents pa raw to show na Mrs. Arroyo did not steal the elections and she is the real winner.

Good luck defending your fake president, Mike.

President Arroyo will not take sitting down the prospect of putting her under a “kangaroo court” as she is poised to send Environment Secretary Michael Defensor to defend her before the “People's Court.”

In an interview over ANC, Defensor said he is prepared to bring “voluminous” documents in the scheduled hearing by the Citizens Congress for Truth and Accountability (CCTA) on Nov. 8, 9, 15 and 16 to prove that Mrs. Arroyo won fair and square in the May 2004 presidential elections.

Defensor stressed that he would personally grill former Vice President Teofisto Guingona and most of the CCTA's 400 delegates during its hearings, saying the former Arroyo allies after having enjoyed positions in Mrs. Arroyo's Cabinet, suddenly defected to the opposition and joined the clamor for the Chief Executive's resignation for alleged electoral fraud.

“I will still go to their kangaroo court, not because I recognize it as a legitimate court that will try the President, but rather because if this is a media ploy, I need to be there to share my views and defend our President from all their allegations,” he said.

Defensor said he will not stay silent while the Chief Executive is being hit left and right in the media by the CCTA.

“I will be there because I was a campaign person at that time for the President. I know some of the issues and I don't want a kangaroo court to be used as a media ploy to turn loose a forum where our President would be hit left and right without any of her aides defending her,” he said.

Defensor added the case failed to reach conclusion at the Presidential Electoral Tribunal, the agency that handled the election complaint of the late movie icon and opposition standard-bearer Fernando Poe Jr. which dismissed the case after his untimely death in Dec. 14, 2004.

More here.

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