Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Stephen Green's The Arm of Decision

Four years into the Terror War, "What's the most important element for victory?" is a question long overdue. It's also a question our national leadership, nearly all of our intellectuals, and none of our mainstream media have yet to answer.

Read the whole article:

Comment: Al Queda terrorists in general always try to do something spectacular or crazy to get the media's attention. If we give less attention to their propaganda, they become less effective.

(And this is why I am now in favor of depriving the paris rioters some of that media attention they're craving.)

As for Big Media's biased Iraq coverage, we really can't do anything about that since most in the MSM don't like Bush1 in the first place. And he'll be there for 3 more years, so expect more of the same from the MSM.

(Maybe the solution is to elect somebody in the White House who the MSM can relate to, like a Democrat.)

1 Just compare their disgraceful and very anti-Bush coverage on Katrina to the more restrained tone in reporting the riots in Paris.

RELATED: More here from Arnold Kling.

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