Sunday, November 06, 2005

Undeclared war against Filipino bloggers

Tanong ni Dean: Will bloggers get clobbered in the Philippines?

Civil Libertarians watch with a jaundiced eye to see how far the government is willing to go in a game of Chicken with all the good folks who buy up ink by the barrel. But these trial balloons are getting serious when they start messing around with the Blogosphere. Throughout Gloriagate, PCIJ has been the epicenter for hard, solid information on the Garci Tapes, and every twist and turn the crisis has followed. Let me salute the men and women over at the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism for their bravery under fire and utmost professionalism at their craft. This is Mosquito Press of the early 21st Century.

For the Filipino Blogosphere, this is a major event. As PCIJ itself notes, this is the first action of its kind in Philippine legal history that a blog is subject to such legal restraint. But we've seen it before :: everywhere that Liberty is threatened. And the result will be the same. The future belongs to those who believe in Freedom.

Me naman, ito lang ang masasabi ko:

Bring it on, Mrs. Arroyo. BRING. IT. ON.

UPDATE: MLQ3 has a good roundup

Edwin Lacierda: Unblock That PCIJ Blog - A Writing Campaign

Bloggers, since we are not parties to the case, let us show the futility of restraining a blog. To the best of my knowledge, since there is no forwarding email address to the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, and if you believe that a great injustice has just been committed, let us show our disapproval by writing to the public information office of the Supreme Court with email address at, the highest court of the land, that we, Filipino bloggers, invoking our sovereign right to free speech, express in no uncertain terms our indignation on the Temporary Restraining Order issued against the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism. Write forcefully but do it respectfully!

Good idea. I'll write them tomorrow.

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