Monday, November 21, 2005

Wholesale thievery

There was no question that the fertilizer distribution program – and the total P2 billion money for agriculture modernization in 2004, for that matter– was among the administration’s schemes to boost Gloria Arroyo’s chances during the election. It was originally thought to be along the lines of the PhilHealth card distribution. The benefits were largesse from Gloria. The recipients, mostly poor folks who were the natural constituency of Fernando Poe Jr., were supposed be swayed by the thinly disguised form of vote-buying.

While the programs were questionable, they fell under the rubric of the "equity of the incumbent." The party in power was expected to shower voters with doles. That’s how politics is.

Administration spending in 2004 elections, however, clearly went beyond the bounds of the principle of the "equity of the incumbent." As the Senate hearings show, the money was allowed to be hijacked by congressmen and local officials in exchange for their support for Arroyo.

We are not talking here of the usual practice of skimming off 20 to 25 percent of money allocated for government projects. This time, it’s wholesale thievery.

From Malaya's Editorial, Nov. 21, 2005

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