Thursday, November 03, 2005

Why is this not being covered properly by the Main Stream Media?


I'm talking about the Paris riots.

Dumbass MSM.

These riots have been going on for six seven days na.

More here and here from Glenn Reynolds

Brussels Journal reports on the Ramadan rioting in Europe's "no-go" areas.

UPDATE: A short slideshow on the Paris Riots.

Viking Observer: War in France, War in Denmark

Christopher Warvin:

We’ve known for quite some time what lies beneath this sort of violence: Europe as been absorbing immigrants, but not assimilating them. One of the success stories about the United States, in my opinion, has been the ability to let people in from all over the world, and for those people to become American. Call it what you will – the “American Way,” for instance – but this country is stronger because a diverse set of people have accepted the way of life here. But when a country allows so many in, and makes a poor attempt at including them in their way of life, trouble is inevitable. And what’s going on in the suburbs of Paris is a long time coming.

Rod Dreher of NRO:

I got an e-mail today from a friend in Paris subject-lined, "It's started." He was referring to the Muslim riots in the Parisian suburbs. This is something that the French have anticipated for a long time, and planned for. I don't think the French authorities are going to put up with this for much longer, and I would guess that if things don't settle down in a couple of days, we will see the authorities move in with serious force. The rest of Europe has got to be watching all this amid shudders. We all should be.

More pics here.

Tim Blair: Paris, City of Light

More: Will the French Gov't send in the army?

Belmont Club: The Bells of Ys
UPDATE: Nicholas Sarkozy for president?

Read this too from Pub Philosopher:

No Pasaran reports that the Paris riots are spreading through the "Red Belt" suburbs. Blogs are springing up, helping the rioters coordinate their efforts to create a ring of fire around the city. Last night, they started shooting at the police.

He also recommends that you visit the No Pasaran blog, kung nakakaindindi ka ng french. Lots of info and links over there raw.

Brian A. Thomas: Are reporters stupid?

A. Kupfer: Europe in denial about its Muslims; European Muslims in denial about themselves

Did the banning of the headscarf have something to do with the riots?

Roger L. Simon: The Last Time I Saw Paris

While the rioting in France is on it's seventh day and is getting most of the "attention" from the Euro MSM, the Muslim rioting in Denmark naman is on it's fourth straight day, according to Little Dead Animals.

Thomas Dalrymple re Eurabia's future: "The sweet dream of universal cultural compatibility has been replaced by the nightmare of permanent conflict."

Blogsearch: Paris Riots

Technorati: Paris Riots

1 comment:

  1. When the Soviet Union and other socialist governments imploded, socialist France became a darling of the left-leaning media. Socialist governments cannot not have trouble, but it dare not be reported too much.
