Sunday, December 11, 2005

Bush up, GMA down

Reacting to the recent surveys that said 60% wanted GMA to resign, Ermita brushed off the recent negative surveys and compared GMA to Bush's situation, saying that Bush was also suffering in the polls.

But guess what, after a dip in the polls, Bush popularity is rebounding again, while kabaligtaran naman ang nangyayari kay GMA.

President Bush's improved standing with whites, men, Catholics and other core supporters has been a key factor in pushing his job approval rating up to 42 percent. That's the highest level since summer.

Shifting into campaign mode to reverse his slide in public opinion polls, Bush has boosted his support among key constituency groups — particularly in the Northeast and West — on his handling of Iraq and the economy, an AP-Ipsos poll found.

"Now it's not a one-sided debate," said Republican pollster Ed Goeas, citing Bush's recent speeches on the health of the economy and the high stakes in Iraq. "You have a message getting out there in a much more positive way."

Bush improved his job approval rating from 37 percent in November to 42 percent now, though his standing with the public remains relatively low. Fifty-seven percent still disapprove, down from 61.

Arroyo's approval rating OTOH went from 30% approve in the Aug. 26-Sept. 5 survey, to 24% approve in the recent Nov. 27 to Dec. 4 SWS survey.

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