Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Bush ups approval rating to 47%

From an ABC Poll.

Ann Althouse comments:

See? He just needs to keep talking to us, answering his critics. Standing by silent, hoping people will notice what you've done, unfortunately, doesn't work.

I also recall a similar move by Mrs. Arroyo recently, going on the offensive, attacking the opposition and the media (who were mostly pro-Arroyo anyways) to improve on her abysmal approval and trust ratings.

But the ratings continued to stay very low for her (even fall a few notches) despite all her efforts to communicate with the public.

I guess her problem is lack of credibility and honesty and that people knew she's not the real president.

She may have attacked her media critics and the opposition, but she still refused to use that time and opportunity directly tackle and confront her legitimacy and corruption problems in an honest and truthful manner... unlike Bush who strongly and credibly defended himself and answered his critics charge on Iraq and the "Bush lied" accusations.

UPDATE: Bush's popularity increase means US troops more likely to finish the job and succeed in Iraq?

I believe that is the case.

Kasi hindi naman matatalo ang US military sa Iraq eh. Matatalo lang ang US if they lose domestic support at home.


-- Bush up, Arroyo down (Dec. 11 2005)

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