Wednesday, December 28, 2005

"If FVR doesn’t watch out, he may end up like Abat."

This discussion prompted one discussant to call former President Fidel V. Ramos as "one big loser", arguing that the President he so quickly came to the rescue of has now effectively slapped him in the face with a big fat trout through the proposals by the GMA-appointed Presidential Constitutional Commission that proposes a no-election scenario till 2010.

Remember that Ramos came to GMA’s rescue arguing that she still had to make the ultimate sacrifice of cutting her term short in 2007; he said this not once, not twice but countless times both to broadcast and print media outlets who cared to get his interpretation of the political crisis. And now, following the submission to GMA by the Con-Com of its proposals, Ramos has come out swinging, pointing an accusatory finger at Malacañang and effectively daring GMA to renounce the "No-El" scenario, "or else".

"Or else what?", says this friend of mine. He insists that GMA knows that FVR is all bark but no bite, adding that the generals are now in GMA’s (and FG’s) pocket even though they may still accord Ramos some amount of respect as a former commander-in-chief and fellow soldier.

"Loser" ba si Ramos? Di naman ano? Napaka-harsh naman nyan.

At least tuloy pa rin ang "great debate" on cha cha, diba Tabaks? ;)

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