Thursday, December 22, 2005

Mini-fisking Jarius Bondoc

Pro-Arroyo columnist Jarius Bondoc is for reforming the COMELEC na rin raw.

Let Arroyo and her allies "reform" the COMELEC? That's got to be the dumbest thing i've ever heard from pro-arroyo columnist and gov't station tv host jarious bondoc.

Pro-Arroyo poster et al comments:

what a twisted way of looking at things. just because it will happen during Arroyo's time doesn't mean she'll be hands-on when it comes to doing the reforms. bondoc's point is to reform the COMELEC right now whether or not elections will be held in 2007. so would you rather have the same Comelec conducting the elections in 2007? makakontra lang.

Well, that's like saying (after the 1986 election fiasco) to let marcos "reform" the COMELEC and to find out if there was really any cheating involved.

Btw, i was for reforming the COMELEC way before you, pro-arroyo columnist max sullivan and jarious bondoc were.

More: Jarius Bondoc:

An Opposition leader, when he was in power to do so, also had endorsed Garcillano’s promotion but now accuses him of the Mindanao dagdag-bawas of 1995.

What an effin liar jarius bondoc is. he doesn't even have the guts to name the senator he was smearing. sen. pimentel was against garci from the very beginning because of garcillano's role in the 1995 dagdag bawas scandal.

Inq editorial: Feb 18, 2004

Men on a mission?

PRESIDENT Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's new appointees to the Commission on Elections (Comelec) seem to be in a great hurry to either earn their keep or prove their critics right -- or both. With their first official act, Election Commissioners Manuel Barcelona and Virgilio Garcillano have shown that they are men on a mission. Their mission: to ensure that Ms Macapagal-Arroyo wins a full term in the May elections.

Barely a week after they were sworn into office, Barcelona and Garcillano submitted their opinion on the disqualification case against presidential candidate and movie star Fernando Poe Jr. The two new election officials urged the Supreme Court to disqualify Poe on grounds that he was born illegitimate and therefore took his mother's American citizenship. Garcillano said it was "a rule long settled by the Supreme Court that only legitimate children follow the citizenship of the father and that illegitimate children are under the parental authority of the mother and follow her nationality." Barcelona said substantially the same thing: Since Poe was born illegitimate, "he did not acquire the Filipino citizenship of his father." Commissioner Florentino Tuason, another Macapagal-Arroyo appointee to the commission, joined them in their dissenting opinion.

What is most curious about this sharing of their views on this raging controversy is that the Supreme Court never solicited them. What the Court sought was the comment of the Comelec, and that means the arguments of the majority of commissioners who had voted to throw out the petition for Poe's disqualification....

The integrity, competence and independence of the new Comelec commissioners were already questioned right after their appointment was announced. Oppositionist Senator Aquilino Pimentel Jr. charged that as a Comelec regional director, Garcillano was a key figure in the vote-padding and vote-shaving operation that cost Pimentel a Senate seat in 1995.

Feb. 17, 2004:

IN A MOVE that could bolster the perception that they were named to the poll body to help President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo win a full six-year term, the two new appointees to the Commission on Elections Monday asked the Supreme Court to disqualify actor Fernando Poe Jr. from the presidential race on the ground that he was not a natural-born Filipino citizen....

Opposition Senator Aquilino Pimentel, a reelectionist under the Koalisyon ng Nagkakaisang Pilipino led by Poe, had questioned the appointment of Barcelona and Garcillano because of their close ties to First Gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo.

Barcelona was reported to have contributed to the campaign kitty of Ms Macapagal when she ran for vice president in 1998, while Garcillano had been accused by Pimentel in the "dagdag-bawas" (vote padding and shaving) operation in Mindanao that cost him a seat in the Senate in 1995.

PDI Editorial: Feb. 13, 2004

PRESIDENT Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo apparently is not leaving anything to chance. In her eagerness to secure a full six-year presidential term of her own, she has appointed two commissioners of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) who are perceived to be partisans to her cause: Manuel Barcelona Jr. and Virgilio Garcillano.

According to a report by the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, Barcelona and his son, Manuel Barcelona III, contributed 500,000 and 100,000 pesos, respectively, to Ms Macapagal-Arroyo's 1998 campaign for the vice-presidency.

Garcillano did not contribute to Ms Macapagal-Arroyo's 1998 campaign. But he was the Comelec regional director for Northern Mindanao when "dagdag-bawas," the infamous padding and shaving of votes in the 1995 elections, took place.

Opposition Senator Aquilino Pimentel Jr., one of the victims of the vote-rigging, swears that Garcillano had a hand -- or at least was complicit -- in the fraud.
Although Garcillano was never indicted for it, it is noteworthy that the Macapagal-Arroyo administration, for all its much-vaunted talent search, does not seem worried about resurrecting from the tomb of ignominy a man whose reputation is sullied or, at the least, controversial.

Worse, the administration seems to be doing the bidding of Comelec Chairman Benjamin Abalos, also its appointee, who has pulled Garcillano out of retirement to make him his consultant for Mindanao. To be consulted for what? For vote-rigging and -shaving?

UPDATE: As long as may google, hindi makakalusot ang mga kasinungalingan mo, mr. bondoc.

Feb. 12, 2004:

Sources from Comelec who requested anonymity confirmed the reports made by reelectionist Sen. Aquilino Pimentel Jr., who accused Garcillano of being involved in election fraud.

"There had been numerous complaints that the [Comelec] Chairman’s office received concerning the attitude of Director Garcillano," the Comelec insider said....

Garcillano on Wednesday defended himself against allegations of Pimentel that he was appointed to the Comelec to help President Arroyo to win the May 10 election.

He said he is willing to sit down with Pimentel and discussed the matter with him, adding that the senator’s statement was a carryover of a long-dragging argument and there was misconception.

Garcillano admitted that he was offended by the accusations against him but at this time it is water under the bridge

Hahaha... this garcillano guy is funny pala. Remember, this article was published back in feb 2004 pa.

Another revealing article back in 2004:

Opposition Senator Aquilino Pimentel, who has opposed Garcillano's appointment to the poll body, alleged that Garcillano had somehow contributed to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's victory and was being rewarded as a result.

"What reward is the honorable senator talking about? She [the President] doesn't have to pay for anything," said Garcillano.

He said he was embarrassed by the President's defeat in his region but "if that's the mandate of the people, we cannot do anything."

Now, why would garcillano be "embarassed" by arroyo's defeat in his region? isn't he supposed to be non-partisan? a freudian slip?

More from Jarius Bondoc:

A past Comelec chair, now an Opposition lawyer, had warned him then to be straight, but apparently failed to bring up charges to end his notoriety.

LOL. jarioush bondoc must be referring to this conversation between garci and harriet demetriou.

Former Comelec Chair Harriet Demetriou had a good laugh while listening to the conversations. "The irony of it," she said.

Demetriou said that in early 1999, Barbers called her to complain about Garcillano's involvement in "fraudulent activities" during the 1998 elections in Northern Mindanao, where Garcillano was assigned as Comelec director.

In the elections, Barbers ran for senator while his mother, Regina, ran for governor in Surigao del Norte province. His son, Robert Ace, ran for the congressional seat while his other son, Robert Jr., ran for councilor in Makati City.

Regina lost the gubernatorial race, and Barbers was said to have blamed Garcillano for the debacle. Soon after Demetriou's confirmation at the Commission on Appointments in January 1999, Barbers gave her a call about Garcillano's conduct.

Garcillano was summoned to Manila for a confrontation with Barbers in the commissioners' office.

Demetriou said that during the confrontation, Garcillano explained his side and vehemently denied he had engaged in electoral fraud.

"So I asked Barbers if he wanted to file a formal complaint so we could conduct an investigation. He said, 'H'wag na lang (Never mind),'" Demetriou recalled.

After Barbers left, Demetriou said she confronted Garcillano about the complaint, and the regional director reiterated his denial.

"I glowered at him. H'wag kang luko-loko, Garcillano. Tandaan mo ito, kung totoo ito, ipakukulong kita (Don't fool around. Remember this, if this is true, I'll have you arrested)," Demetrio recalled telling Garcillano.

so even back in 1999, there were already complaints against garci. but at that time, ms. demetriou wasn't sure kung totoo yung bintang ni barbers kay garci, and bobby barbers for some reason decided to drop the case vs. garci.

so how can harriet file charges against garci "to end his notoriety" back in 1999 when barbers himself did not present any compelling evidence of fraud vs. Garci except his word -- and barbers eventually lost interest in pursuing the case vs. Garci boy?

exposed na naman yung misleading smears ni jarious bundok

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