Thursday, December 15, 2005

A nice tribute to FPJ

-- A nice FPJ tribute from Conrad de Quiros.

-- Manong Ernie Maceda on the "3-minute rule" and ISAFP's coverups:

There's one defect in the House hearing. The 3-minute limit allows only three questions to be asked, not enough to lay the basis and ask the main question sought to be answered. Rep. Jing Paras who had pointed this out has turned out to be correct. The chairman, Rep. Emmy Talino-Santos, also ruled that a congressman who was not immediately following could not yield his three minutes to the person asking the questions. Were the rules adopted precisely to protect Garcillano from in-depth questioning?


What investigation? AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Generoso Senga told Senate President Franklin Drilon that there was no security breach at Isafp. Senga questioned the competence and credibility of Marietta Santos, who testified under oath at the Senate that she had access to the Isafp officers.

That's to be expected from the AFP chief of staff to say in his defense. But Senga's credibility is totally negated by his lack of action against T/Sgt. Vidal Doble.

Doble admitted that he received P2 million from Sammy Ong through National Bureau of Investigation agent Lito Santiago. Doble has admitted his relationship with Marietta Santos who is his third "wife." Accepting a bribe and immortality are grounds for the dismissal of a civilian employee. How much more for an intelligence officer? The fact that Sgt. Doble has not been discharged implicates Gen. Senga, Gen. Marlo Quevedo and the Isafp and raises serious questions of leadership in what is clearly a breach of basic military rules.

That's the quagmire the Garci tapes has put the GMA government in. It has cast a wide net of cover-ups and liars.

-- Malaya Editorial: The people know better

Budget Secretary Romulo Neri recently scolded manufacturers and retailers for blaming government for the marked slowdown of sales during the traditionally brisk Christmas season.

He said overseas remittances are at a record level and the economy is doing quite well. There’s a lot of money out there. He said it’s business’ fault for not finding the right marketing tack to move their products.

"When you fail, review your strategy and, please, do not blame government," Neri said.

Neri’s advice is sound when applied to individual firms. But when everybody is suffering a downturn in sales ranging from 5 to 10 percent, there is definitely something wrong more than failed marketing strategies.

Read the whole thing.

-- Senate: Sandra Cam to lose security detail.

I wouldn't be surprised if one day she recants everything she said and blames the opposition for "forcing her" to testify on Jueteng.

Buti pa yung corrupt na administration ni GMA, kahit na gaano kalaki ang gastos, sasagutin--para lang mapatahimik at "protektahan" ang mga dating witnesses na katulad nina Mahusay, Doble, Garcillano, judge Moner etc.

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