Thursday, December 15, 2005

A perfect storm

Hmmm... maybe Brenda is on to something after all... LOL.

From the Tribune Editorial:

All this talk of coup plots to destabilize Gloria Arroyo appears to be the handiwork, not of the opposition forces, but of Malacañang as she and her loyal generals are into staging one of their own coups, in preparation for her exit.

This can be seen from a confidential document which this paper obtained from a Palace insider, the details of which were published in yesterday's edition.

From the document, the coup, codenamed "Perfect Storm" is to presage her "disengagement," as Gloria prefers to call her exit from Malacañang, and the Philippines.

It bears asking why Gloria is planning her exit through a Palace-initiated coup where, the document states, a "New Order" with a three-man council, will be set in place to replace her, but not before certain conditions Gloria herself has imposed are met and the plot agreed upon by several elements, including the United States government.

From the confidential document, a series of three developments that will impact on the social, political and economic fronts is expected to descend upon the country and the Arroyo government, placing Gloria in a situation where she can no longer manage or manipulate anything.

There is hardly any question that, despite the rosy picture being painted by Gloria and her propagandists of an economy poised for takeoff, the economy is expected to deteriorate some more, with a former National Economic Development Authority (Neda) director openly stating that the Philippine economy is on the path of an economic meltdown and even with the current Neda chief publicly stating that the economy has taken a downtrend. This may explain the coming "economic storm."

The "social storm" may just about ready to combine with this economic storm, given the rising prices, joblessness, along with the poverty levels rising, financially dislocating families and hitting the middle class where it really hurts. With despair and hopelessness enveloping the Filipino people, social unrest is not too far behind. The indications are already there.

And now comes the strong "historic" storm: The political storm that is already blowing strong, with a military growing more and more restive everyday amid a confluence of events in the political front shaping up.

With the economic and social storms combining with the strong political storm, what else can be expected but the coming of the perfect storm, which is reportedly a coup hatched up by Gloria Arroyo and her loyal generals to usher in a New Order where a three-man "junta" or council — vetted by Gloria and her generals — takes over the reins of government?

Interestingly, a perfect storm, said to be a rare occurrence, comes about when three storms combine into one over the ocean.

But where the perfect storm is a natural, if rare occurrence, Malacañang's perfect storm is to be managed and artificially produced and will only be in place when certain conditions, imposed by Gloria, for her and her family's protection long after she makes her exit, are met and agreed upon by the concerned parties, one of which is the US government.

The other important factor for Gloria and for the coup plot to take effect is for the "host government," obviously a third country, to have already agreed to "shelter" her.

For this coup plot to find acceptance with the foreign governments, it was claimed that the current Vice President, Noli de Castro, would have to be one of three members of the council, with two others vetted by Gloria and her generals. The names bandied about are those of the Speaker and behind him, former President Fidel Ramos, while the other is said to be former military chief of staff and current Interior and Local Government Secretary Angelo Reyes, who was instrumental in 2001, for Gloria's installation as President.

Just as interestingly, National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales a month back told the media of wanting to go back to work because of his need to be in place to be one with a "historic event" that is to take place. A Palace insider, last month, told the Tribune of the coming "December Storm" coup d'etat, but pointed to the opposition forces as the coup plotters.

Yet all along, it is Gloria and her clique who are plotting a coup, with her loyal generals in on her exit plans, and three political personalities, ready to take over power and position in exchange for her protection, here and abroad, and ready again to betray the Filipino people.

But, as it is always said, the best laid plans of mice and men do go awry.

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