Monday, December 19, 2005

“The proposal to pack the parliament (with her allies) is shameless. I can’t believe they even attempted this."

Roilo Golez on the Cha-cha proposal.

Ellen Tordesillas called the Arroyo’s Con-Com eerily reminiscent of the Marcos Con-Com:

Gordon speaks with the wisdom of experience having been a member of the Constitutional Commission that drafted the 1973 Constitution under the Marcos dictatorship. A number of the recommendations of Arroyo’s Con-Com are so eerily reminiscent of the Marcos Con-Com that also changed the government from presidential to parliamentary with Marcos acting as both president and prime minister during the transition period. Arroyo’s Con-Com recommended that Arroyo act as both prime minister (head of government) and president (head of state) until 2010.

Arroyo’s Con-Com also made sure that she becomes even more powerful by giving her the power to fill the Parliament with her stooges. In addition to members of the Senate and House of Representatives, she would have the power to appoint one-third of her cabinet and thirty experts as members of the Interim Parliament.

Read the whole thing. Beware, beware of the lying cheater/thief and her stooges presenting themselves as "reformers." I think this No El proposal by Arroyo's stooges revealed what ARroyo's constitution is really all about: To divert our attention from her legitimacy and political problems and to strengthen her power.

But even if they eventually withdraw their NO-El proposal (because of strong negative clammor from the opposition), it is too late because most Filipinos will see this Cha Cha move by Arroyo/JDV/FVR as nothing more than fake reforms meant to distract the public from Gloriagate.

UPDATE: It's funny that Dean Jorge Bocobo left this comment on my post re the Cha-cha 2 days ago:

Why am I not surprised. While everyone is beating their breasts over the 2004 elections and cursing Garci, do you realize she's planning to stay LONGER than 2010??

So what DJB/Rizalist is saying is that we're wasting out time over GLORIAGATE and Garci because Arroyo is planning to use cha-cha to prolong her stay?

But then he visits Ellen's blog yesterday and posted this:

I can’t believe there is not a published copy of Garci’s Second Petition with the Supreme Court ANYWHERE. It’s just the most important legal maneuver of Gloriagate. But who has actually read it? Analysed it? Understood it? Where the heck is it? Anybody know someone with a copy? Chacha is long term problem. That Second Petition will be decided long before chacha.

Dean Bocobo seems to be unable to make up his mind kung anong mas importante. Dean, musta na?

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