Saturday, December 17, 2005

The US policy in the Philippines is idiotic

It is, really. And this is coming from a guy who still supports Bush and the US on Iraq.

Haven't they learned anything for the last 20 plus years about supporting illegitimate and corrupt rulers? One of the reasons the dictator Marcos lasted 20 years was because of US support.

(The Philippine situation is not like in Pakistan or Egypt where it's better to deal with dictators like Mubarak or Musharraf than see them be overthrown by the Muslim Brotherhood or Al Queda.)

The US I believe knows Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is not real winner in the last presidential elections. They know that she is corrupt and plays dirty, but they continue to prop her up anyway.

They have chosen to support a corrupt and illegitimate president for "stability's" sake over democracy and the Filipino people.

But the US will find out that there will be no "stability" or true democracy in the Philippines as long as Mrs. Arroyo is in power.

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