Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Gloriagate ROUNDUP: Truth deleted from Arroyo Constitution

From Ellen Tordesillas:

It was Bibeth Orteza, movie and TV writer, who told us about the word “truth” having been made to disappear in the Constitution by Gloria Arroyo’s appointed Constitutional Commission.

Bibeth said her husband, film director Carlitos Siguion-Reyna, had noticed a number of disturbing additions to and deletions from the 1987 Constitution by Arroyo’s Con-Com headed by former UP President Jose Abueva.

Bibeth said the word “truth” was deleted in the Charter’s Preamble. I checked the Arroyo Con-Com’s “Proposed Revision for the 1987 Constitution” and true enough, the word “truth” is nowhere to be found.

The Arroyo Con-Com’s Preamble reads: “We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to establish a Government that shall embody our ideals, promote the general welfare, conserve and develop the patrimony of our nation, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of democracy under a regime of justice, peace, liberty, and equality, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.”

The 1987 Constitution’s Preamble states: “We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.”

Read the whole thing. Who's afraid of the truth anyway?

-- Isafp did a ‘Watergate’ on opposition

Gloria and Comelec bigwigs planned fraud


It was not only former Commission on Elections Commissioner Virgilio “Garci” Garcillano that President Arroyo had been caught speaking with on the wiretapped compact discs about the poll-rigging operations to ensure her victory in 2004, but she also did the same with another high-ranking Comelec official, an intelligence operative from the Intelligence Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (Isafp) yesterday disclosed to the Tribune, on the usual condition of anonymity.

It was a grand planned fraud scheme involving top election officials, the source said.

The Isafp insider also confirmed the authenticity of the reported two tapes in the possession of Sen. Rodolfo Biazon, the chairman of the defense panel that is probing the wiretapping activity said to involve several military and police generals in election rigging, saying more tapes exist, disclosing that there were a total of seven CDs containing the monitored election-related conversations.

A second source related to the Tribune that the tapes Biazon has will, at the least, prove that Mrs. Arroyo and her poll campaign group were illegally monitoring activities of the opposition camp, much like the Watergate monitoring engaged in by then US President Richard Nixon, to ensure the Arroyo advantage in opposition campaign moves.

“It was not just a case of locking in her (Mrs. Arroyo’s) victory in 2004 through the poll-rigging operations with Comelec people,” he said.

“They were making sure all bases were covered by having the calls of known opposition bets and their campaigners monitored to know their moves,” the source added.

Read it all. And you know what happened to those folks who were responsible for Watergate...

-- We know na may iba pang tapes (galing kay Samuel Ong) na hawak ni Biazon na hindi pa napapakinggan ng publiko. May tanong naman si JB Baylon tungkol sa GLORIAGATE tapes where Biazon's name was mentioned:

When the woman spoke of threats by a "Biazon", was she referring to the incumbent senator of the same name? Which should also lead us to ask the Senator – was he the one being referred to in the taped conversations? If yes, what was he threatening to do and why was he threatening to do something in the first place?

-- The solution to the Christian-Muslim problem in the Philippines is the DVD business.

And like what Conrad de Q. said, have you seen the early works of Ingmar Bergman, Orson Welles, Kurosawa, Tati, FW Murnau, DW Griffith on DVD? Me loves the classics...

-- Remember the "Spice Boys" five years ago? I think they've grown up and become Spice Trapos, diba Mike Defensor, Zubiri et al?

-- So what's up what's up with EO 464? From Ernie Maceda.

Delayed. What is the most important political issue today? It is Executive Order 464 which has disturbed the separation of powers between the executive and legislative departments of government.

So why is the Supreme Court (SC) not acting on the petition of the senators to declare it unconstitutional?

This is a continuing blot on the independence of the SC and adds to the perception that it is controlled by GMA.

-- Go home, Tony Kwok.

-- Fidel Ramos, media hog.

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