Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Golez on the Council of State

Ellen Tordesillas got this message from Roilo Golez on the Council of State and Cha Cha:

Council of State not suitable forum to resolve political differences. Too big and unwieldy. Just like in the NSC, it’s normally a monologue by the President and MalacaƱang presentors. No detailed discussions.

Better is top level heart to heart discussion among PGMA and former Presidents where PGMA should level with them on the truth about garci tapes, fertilizer fund issue, road users tax and proposal to cancel 2007 election.

PGMA must bite the bullet and seek the former President’s advice. Otherwise Council of State would be a waste of time.

Additional comments:

1. CONCOM Chairman’s call on FVR escorted by Executive Secretary and Presidential Political Adviser eloquently shows who are behind CONCOM. It shows who really are behind the indecent proposal to cancel the 2007 election and pack the proposed parliament with 30 puppet MPs.

2.The cat is out of the bag. MalacaƱang’s Plan B is People’s Initiative, since constituentassembly is impossible with a rebellious Senate.

People’s Initiative has already been declared by the Supreme Court as illegal without enabling law. And the Supreme Court by tradition will not reverse itself. And how can it truly be called People’s Initiative when the country’s most partisan political leaders are the ones initiating it?

More on Arroyo's dubious Cha Cha scheme from Neal Cruz:

Key point:

And the unkindest cut of all, the draft Constitution is morally and ethically bankrupt. It uses bribery to make it acceptable. It bribes all incumbent officials with a bonus of three more years in office without being elected. That is to make all public officials-the senators, congressmen, governors, mayors, board members and councilors-campaign for the ratification of the Con Com's Constitution. It would benefit them. That is why local government officials are shamelessly pushing the Cha-cha. If the Senate does not agree to a Constitutional Assembly, they plan to use the "People's Initiative" provided in the Constitution, even if there is yet no law to implement it.

And as an added bonus to the senators-who are overwhelmingly against a parliamentary system-there is a provision that automatically makes them MPs. Such shameless and callous bribery!

Read the whole thing.


Update on the Mei Magsino case from PCIJ.

INQUIRER columnist Conrado de Quiros devoted his column last December 28 to a letter sent to him by Mei Magsino-Lubis, the paper’s correspondent for Southern Luzon based in Batangas. In her letter, Magsino-Lubis wrote about how she has been in hiding since July last year, fearful for her life, after exposing the jueteng operations and corrupt practices in the capitol by no less than the provincial governor, Armand Sanchez, a known supporter of Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

Her fear is not without basis. All the people who have fought Gov. Sanchez, including Rolando Meer, Arnel Manalo and Batangas provincial ombudsman Guillermo Gamo, are dead, felled by assassins believed to have acted on orders of the governor.

There's a link to a longer article on in that post. Go check it out.

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