Saturday, January 28, 2006

An open letter to the CBCP

From the Black and White Movement.

And this is interesting:

Malacañang appeared to be preventing Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Oscar Cruz’ Silent Majority Movement from taking off, as the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City, barred the group from holding its first prayer gathering, leading the bishop to say that “Malacañang thinks the prayer gathering is a partisan entity and that’s a pity because it shows some kind of undue nervousness on the part of Malacañang.”

During an interview, Cruz said he and his group were really surprised that be told that the UP chancellor had denied their request to hold the prayer gathering in its famous Sunken Garden, the venue chosen for the Silent Majority Movement’s prayer-rally.

“This is strange because the UP Sunken Garden is considered as practically a freedom park and the truth is that not even the police can enter UP,” Cruz noted, adding they chose UP because of its significance.

Asked why UP had turned down their request for their launching of the newly-formed movement with Cruz as the lead convenor, the bishop said the university chancellor invoked “an old law which prohibits religious activities in the campus.”

Cruz hinted broadly that Malacañang had a hand in UP’s barring of their prayer rally.

“Religious processions are held in the UP campus by the existence of the Catholic parish there. It is understandable that the UP administration could have been prevailed upon by Malacañang not to grant permission for the prayer event,” he added.

This is silly because UP because I recall UP has held so many religious activities inside it's campus in the past.

So what is the ARroyo admin afraid of, this time?

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