Thursday, January 05, 2006

RP second most deadliest for journalists after Iraq

Here's the link.

Key point:

"Their enemies were no longer armed groups but politicians, businessmen and drug-traffickers ready to silence journalists who exposed their crimes," RSF said.

This is timely because I was commenting yesterday on Sergio Apostol's attitude towards our dead journalist, where he made this comment while talking about the need to change the wording of our Bill of Rights:

Apostol said soemthing shocking: proof that media can sometime be irresponsible is the high number of journalists being killed.

Of course, he was parroting Mike Arroyo and Reynaldo Wycoco's view that "irresponsible" journalists are to blame for their own deaths.

So do you have to wonder on why many of our Filipino journalist's deaths have occured after Arroyo took over in 2001? (take note, i have posted that comment back in May 2005 pa. by now I'm sure tumaas na ang bilang ng dead journalists).

More from PCIJ:

Regardless of who is doing the counting, however, the casualty count in the Philippines is scandalously high, considering the country is not at war. Media groups attribute this to weak law enforcement as well as a culture of violence and impunity.


-- "Most Murderous Country" for journalists

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