Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Trillanes: Pinoys must take a stand on GMA presidency

From the Tribune:

Magdalo group leader Lt. (S.G) Antonio Trillanes IV issued a statement yesterday calling on the Filipino people to decide whether to support President Arroyo or push change, in the process assuring the public that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) will support the people whichever side they may take.

Facing the media following their scheduled appearance at the Makati Regional Trial Court, Trillanes, whose group of junior officers led a short-lived mutiny in the posh Oakwood Hotel in Makati City three years ago, challenged the Filipino people to take a stand.

“Id like to say that there will come a time when we all have to take a decision on who we will support, GMA (Mrs. Arroyo’s initials) or change,” he said.

“When that time comes, we have to stand by our decision for the sake of our future. Don’t be afraid, whatever your decision, the AFP will be there,” he said.

Trillanes added at this point, he is not taking any position nor would he push the people into taking a position on whether to go along with GMA or call for change.

“The choice is for the people to make,” he said, adding “If you choose GMA, that means you are contented with your condition and the situation of the country and that you can bear with GMA up to 2010 and (even) onwards.”

“Now, if you choose change, that means you are expecting better living conditions, for your countrymen who are also seeking peace and prosperity,” he further said.

Here's my position naman. I am definitely NOT FOR Gloria Macapagal ARroyo. I want that illegitimate president/crook OUT OF MALACANANG. I also want the resignation of all the COMELEC commissioners and those COMELEC officials who were responsible for GLORIAGATE.

And I am for NEW ELECTIONS to replace the fake president.

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