Sunday, January 15, 2006

Uh huh... Erap did the same thing, but the bishops still demanded Erap's removal from power

So now Arroyo is "pro-poor" eh? Haw haw haw... Erap was pro-poor too, but the bishops demanded his resignation anyways. Erap's many "pa-pogi" programs to help the poor were mocked by civil society and other edsa dos types, but as we are seeing now, gingagaya na rin ng GMA yung style ni Erap. At least she's not being ridiculed by her civil society abettors, no?

Having been earlier tipped off by the friendly-to-the-administration Catholic bishops that the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), as a body, would be reportedly judging her on her “sincerity” in her care and attention to the poor, President Arroyo yesterday went full blast on her feeding program as well as other pro-poor programs, to get into the good graces of the bishops before their meeting.

MalacaƱang spin doctors have also been busy with their propaganda, saying the President will be devoting fully her time and energy in leading the way to fight poverty and hunger in the country, even as the debate on Charter change is up among the Lakas party members as well as Congress.

Mrs. Arroyo, who earlier distributed “cheap” noodles and rice in a barangay last Friday, called on all local government units, civil society and civic and religious groups to join the bandwagon of social equity and reform “as the payback for the sacrifices of our people.”

She said, “We must increase the volume of civic duty above the political noise and work unceasingly to uplift the people and to right what is wrong with our political system.”

Also last Friday, Bishop Deogracias Yniquez, during a TV interview, said the bishops are watching Mrs. Arroyo to check on her “sincerity” in tending to the poor, as this would certainly be taken up at the CBCP meeting, stressing that, as long as the President is in Malacanang, she will always be given that chance by the bishops to prove her “sincerity.”

I guess the hypocritical CBCP will only call for the resignation of people they don't like -- like Erap or even an oppositionist like Lacson.

But a bigger crook and cheater like the bogus president Arroyo? CBCP sees no evil, hears no evil, speaks no evil.

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