Monday, January 30, 2006

Under new constitution, number of votes to impeach raised to 2/3's of all House members

From the Tribune:

Under the “working draft” of the House committee on constitutional amendments, Cha-cha proponents want the number of votes requirement for impeachment of an official increased, particularly the Chief Executive.

From the one-third required votes to impeach an impeachable official under the current system, it is proposed that this be increased to two-thirds of the members of the House before an official can be impeached.

According to House Minority Leader Francis Escudero, secretary general of the United Opposition, this is clearly a “reactionary provision” aimed at ensuring Mrs. Arroyo’s stay in power.

“I thought it was going to be a parliament? Why is there impeachment? It’s a reactionary provision,” Escudero said.


  1. Imagine, in the original 1987 draft charter, Davide wanted it lowered to 1/5.

    BTW, can't believe you didn't catch that PDI editorial. It's a riot!

  2. you mean this one?

    and you're right about davide. eto yung sinabi niya sa CON COM deliberations nung 1986

    Mr. Davide: "So the thrust of the report is really to relax impeachment as a process. I notice, however, that the proposal now requires a majority vote of all the members of the House to initiate if we are going to relax impeachment, we should retain the one-fifth requirement to initiate impeachment and perhaps even reduce the requirement for conviction."
