Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Anti-Arroyo groups uniting to demand Arroyo's resignation

From the Malaya:

ANTI-ARROYO groups spanning a broad political spectrum yesterday took a big step toward unification as they came out with a joint statement pressing for the resignation of President Arroyo.

The groups ranged from President Joseph Estrada’s supporters and Fernando Poe Jr. campaigners to the leftist groups Bayan and Sanlakas, from Bro. Eddie Villanueva’s Bangon Pilipinas to the De La Salle University community and the Ateneo at Lahat Na Po movement, and from the United Opposition to the Black and White Movement.

Speaking for the informal alliance, former Vice President Teofisto Guingona echoed the call of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines for a "relentless pursuit" of the truth behind allegations the President cheated her way into power in the last election.

"The CBCP statement said it correctly. There must be a relentless pursuit of the truth as it is the only way for the country to move forward," Guingona said.

He said efforts of the administration to hide the truth behind technicalities would only prolong the political crisis.

Guingona said the time for unity of all anti-Arroyo forces has come. He said the people should act to stop the deterioration of the country’s social, moral and economic conditions

Reading from the joint statement, Guingona said the four pressing issues facing the nation are the "breakdown of justice in our society, the increasing transformation of the nation into a police state as well as the growing number of human rights violations and the disregard of the rule of law, the unrestrained and centralized system of corruption in the government and the systematic abuse of government funds."

Guingona said the groups will continue to seek change in a peaceful way.

Word, Tito Guingona!

More from the Tribune:

Members of the United Opposition (UNO), touching base for the first time with militant groups and other anti-Arroyo forces in a bid to unify the opposition, yesterday expressed their support for the growing ranks of disgruntled junior military officers who, according to them, have the greater chances of mounting a successful battle against the Arroyo administration.

“We declare the unwavering support for the genuine reformists in the military institution. We recognize the rationale behind their acts to protect the people in the wake of crisis,” former Vice President Teofisto Guingona Jr. said as he read a common manifesto by the Members of the United Opposition (UNO), touching base for the first time with militant groups and other anti-Arroyo forces in a bid to unify the opposition, yesterday expressed their support for the growing ranks of disgruntled junior military officers who, according to them, have the greater chances of mounting a successful battle against the Arroyo administration.


  1. Hello, John. As you may now know, the Black & White Movement was "scolded" by our friend Ricky Carandang yesterday. We haven't responded yet (most of us like to think things over before we answer), but Dawin has weighed in nicely. We will post our version of the "unity statement" in the next few hours for your appreciation.
