Friday, February 24, 2006

Arroyo is the best president to lead transition, says Arroyo


Ernie Maceda:

"I am the best person to lead this nation through the transition,” GMA declared before foreign correspondents with an arrogant air.

In Tagalog barbershops, they call that “Ang yabang. Bilib sa sarili.” But don’t blame her too much. Since everybody is criticizing her, she might as well praise herself.

After five years of failures, disasters, plunder and malgovernance as shown by a string of negative reports by many international agencies, GMA is the worst President we ever had. Eleven million Filipinos who voted for FPJ agree.

There is one thing good in her statement, however. She admitted that there will be a transition. But it wouldn’t be in the form she is thinking of...

Lots of other stuff in his article. Read the whole thing.

More from Neal Cruz.


  1. I'm up country so only hear rumors...thanks for keeping me up to date.

  2. go visit dean jorge bocobo too for more updates.
