Saturday, February 25, 2006

Daily Tribune offices Raided

UPDATE: The tribune website is back up again.

UPDATE: I hope somebody re-post all the tribune articles for today (including the editorials and op-ed) on the net. dahil hindi ko siya nabasa sa internet kagabi eh. as of right now, the tribune website is down. Cannot access to it. DOS attack?

The opposition paper the Daily Tribune's office were raided last night by Arroyo's police.

From the PDI:.

POLICE officers from the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group entered the editorial office of the oppositionist newspaper Daily Tribune in Manila around 12:30 a.m. Saturday.

There were no more editorial staff members present when the policemen arrived.

A radio report said the policemen numbered about 15.

They took copies of the mock-up copy of the paper's Saturday issue and copies of photographs before leaving the office on T.M. Kalaw Street.

A few of the policemen stayed outside the editorial office, saying they wanted to "secure" the place and make sure that everything inside would remain intact.

Tribune publisher Ninez Cacho-Olivarez said in a television interview that she tried to ask the policemen where the materials would be taken.

"Is there no freedom of the press? Is there martial law?" she said.

The publisher said she would file a suit at the Supreme Court.

(thanks for the tip, LD.)

too bad the tribune was shut down. i did not get to read them kagabi eh.

Reactions from MLQ3.

from Awbholdings.

from Mister E.

From Enrico Dee.

UPDATE: They tried to raid Abante's offices too.

From Reuters:

After Arroyo invoked emergency rule on Friday, police raided a pro-opposition newspaper, The Daily Tribune, early on Saturday, gathering documents, confiscating copies from the printing press and padlocking the office.

"They just swooped down, went inside," Editor-in-Chief Ninez Cacho-Olivares, said on radio. "This is like martial law."

Police also went to the offices of the Abante tabloid but Elvira Altez, a member of its board, said the officers left after seeing crews from two television stations...

The president's allies defended the newspaper raids as a legitimate step against attempts to incite unrest. Ignacio Bunye, Arroyo's spokesman, suggested the government knew few details.

"We will find out the circumstances. But I believe that those who did this had reasons, because the authorities are unlikely to be capricious about Tribune and Abante," he said.

"What is important is the publications concerned have the chance to question this in our courts."

So Malacanang distances itself from the raid. WE KNOW NUTHIN! YOUR HONOR! NOT OUR FAULT!

Kinda similar to what happened to the Tabayoyong raid.

More: Palace ‘unaware’ of Tribune, Abante raids

Unaware my ass!

but i'm sure pro-arroyo bloggers like sassy lawyer and cathcath would have been proud of such aggressive efforts by the administration to crush the opposition.

UPDATE: Bangkok Post -- Philippines launces press crackdown.

Xinhuanet: Philippine police raids Manila newspaper critical of Arroyo

CNN: Raid on paper critical of Arroyo

UPDATE: More from Piercing pens.

After Procalamation 1017, the biggest news today are the police raid of pro-Estrada newspaper Daily Tribune, the arrest of Anakpawis Rep. Crispin Beltran, and attempts to get other opposition figures.

Manila police raided and closed the Tribune office in Manila after midnight today, according to news reports.

Tribune editor NiƱez Cacho Olivarez, one of the journalists who dared to criticize Marcos during martial law, said she will go to Supreme Court if the government will shut down the Tribune.

“Its just like Marcos all over again. It won’t be long before they start ringing editors and asking them to fire columnists or writers they consider to be againt them,” she added.

Independent newsmagazine Newsbreak expressed its alarm over the Tribune raid. “We view the raid on Tribune, an opposition newspaper, with alarm. It appears to signal the start of a crackdown on media organizations.” Newspaper columnist Manolo Quezon said he shares the Newsbreak statement.

and Unlawyer.

More arrests are expected throughout the day and into the rest of the weekend.

Meanwhile, Palace officials distance themselves from the dawn raid at The Daily Tribune’s [Sadly offline - Ed.] offices as a spokesman trenchantly dares opponents of emergency rule to go to court.

Yes, go to court. go to arroyo's Supreme Court.

and from Atty-at-work.

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