Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Erap, Guingona meet

-- Erap, Guingona meet; "Freedom seeds" distributed.

Heh. Kulang na lang si Ramos, hindi ba Manong Ernie?

The marginalization of FVR continues. GMA announced she is observing the 20th anniversary of Edsa I quietly. No Edsa program. In fact, she’s going to Cebu.

What is pitiful is FVR’s refusal to accept that GMA has dropped him from her list of friends! Sorry, FVR, you’ve been had. There are only two choices left Gen. Ramos — fight or fade away!

I'm betting FVR will fade away, because he's an old man already.

-- Arroyo embarasses herself with offer to Erap. Thanks for the article Jake. Naalala ko ulit yung lahat ng kalokohan about the number 13.

-- The Fake President blows her top, calls the Senate "destabilizers". Hwa hwa...

Palaban si Joker dito. He's beginning to show his independence from GMA. Although malaki pa rin ang kasalanan niya IMO with his fence-sitting and hypocrisy in the past, I'm glad he is standing his ground this time against the dictator.

-- Arroyo's House allies will go it alone without the Senate on Cha Cha. Errmmmm... constitutional ba ito? Let's go ask Arroyo's SC.

Malaya Editorial: House playing with matches Can you say Constitutional Crisis?

-- The coverup on the ISAFP wiretapping continues... read the whole article. This caught my attention.

Another bit of interesting information also surfaced during that budget hearing: The intelligence work being done by the top spooks is focused, not on the insurgencies, whether the communist, the Muslim, or the terrorist variety, but on anti-Gloria rallies and demonstrations...

This is completely astounding. Picture this: The country has as its Chief Executive, someone who is in deathly fear of being toppled by street demonstrations that all intelligence resources are put to work to monitor these anti-Gloria groups to the exclusion of all other national security threats while lives of soldiers and policemen are lost and terrorism stares the country in the face. And she talks about the perils of terrorist attacks, when all she desires is to prevent the formation of a critical mass against her?

There is no doubt that Gloria cares not a whit about the country and the Filipino people’s security. All she cares about is her political survival, and it does not matter to her that public money is spent for her survival, with all the institutions prostituted to the extent of covering up for her — and their crimes against the sovereign Filipino people.

Her political survival is her #1 priority talaga.

-- More on Arroyo's EO 464 and the SC' role in determining it's constitutionality:

The Supreme Court is in a serious fix over Executive Order (EO) 464.

It knows that if it upholds the constitutionality of the EO, the justices will have opened the floodgates of a dictatorship under the Gloria regime as they will have caused the collapse of the check and balance system, since the legislature — and not just the Senate — will have been effectively castrated by a ruling favorable to Gloria.

No longer can Congress summon any executive official to account for his actions that are alleged to be anomalous; no longer can any investigation of any official from the executive branch be conducted on grounds that he and all others have been denied permission by Gloria — or any other President in the future — to appear before a probe body.

Not even the spending of public funds can be checked by the legislature, even if it holds the purse. Nor do appointees have to be confirmed, if the Chief Executive bars them from confirmation hearings.

And it will be Gloria who, if the tribunal rules in her favor, will then be vested with the power to determine whether congressional hearings — and even judicial hearings if it comes to that, are in aid of legislation, in aid of justice, or in aid of destabilization — and without producing an iota of evidence, at that.

Read this EO 464 commentary too from Ducky Paredes.

-- Tanong ni Rudy Romero, sino raw ang dapat nating ipalit kay GMA: Si Erap o si Drilon?

Mali si manong Rudy. Special Elections ang kailangan, katulad ng nangyari sa Ukraine, with GMA being disqualified to run.

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