Sunday, February 12, 2006

How Arroyo can "heal the wounds" of Edsa Dos (not a joke)

< puts on political consultant's hat >

first, tapusin nyo na yung kaso ni erap. find him guilty.

then here's the trick: pardon erap, then declare him a free man. of course kung may "ninakaw" man siyang pera sa gobierno, pagmamayari ng gobierno yan. (although i see no credible evidence na he stole gov't money while in Malacanang.)

at yung mga jueteng money na tinagggap niya, isoli kay chavit. (i believe guilty si erap dito)

those who really hate erap may not like it, but i suspect many including the CBCP, INC, El Shaddai and the more moderate members of this admin (including Mike Defensor) will support such a move/gamble.

the move to find erap guilt (even if he's not) will appease the remaining extremist erap-haters in her admin and this verdict will be used as proof that edsa dos was indeed "justified."

but the brilliant move of pardoning and freeing erap will be seen by many, including the masa, as a sincere effort at reconciliation, to heal the wounds of edsa dos and tres.

of course, i would be remiss if i didn't tell Arroyo the risks involved here. kung free man na si erap, he could start trouble again by going town to town, trying to jumpstart another campaign to remove arroyo.

And isa pa, chavit singson will not like it. may atraso kasi siya kay erap eh. LOL.

< takes off political consultant hat >


  1. NO way Erap's case will even get to the Supreme Court. It's that flawed. We shall have to wait for all the justices sitting in 2001 to die off b4 any decent decisions are made. You can't convict on a CAPITAL CRIME and then pardon. He's not Bill Clinton you know,altho they were "similar" hehe

  2. "NO way Erap's case will even get to the Supreme Court. It's that flawed... You can't convict on a CAPITAL CRIME and then pardon.

    tell that to the almighty arroyo and her Supreme Court.
