Monday, February 20, 2006

My letter to Michelle Malkin

I just had to react to this post from Michelle Malkin.

First off Michelle, if people want to help the victims of the mudslide and don't know where to donate, Manuel L Quezon 3 suggests donating to the Philippine National Red Cross.

As for the "mess" Mrs. Arroyo is in, it's largely of her own making. She stole the last elections and is corrupt as hell. Although I'm not for any coup that will install a military junta, I am for the illegitimate president's removal or ouster from office ASAP, then have new special elections to replace Arroyo. All of the local polls say a strong majority of Filipinos believe she cheated and the want her out. (she's as unpopular as the mullahs are to the iranian population) And even most of those who continue to support her thinks she cheated, but would rather see her finish her term for "lack of alternatives" raw.

Like what your colleague Michael Ledeen likes to say, "Faster, Please."

Ukraine's people power "Orange Revolution" (where they forced new elections because of electoral fraud by Yushchenko's rival PM candidate) and Lebanon's "Cedar Revolution" inspires many Filipinos to do the same to this crooked admin. And the 20th anniversary of Edsa People Power revolution is fast approaching, that's why you hear lots of talks about another people power to oust the illegitimate Arroyo.

the US may think that it is better to tolerate such a character as Arroyo for "stability's sake", just like when the US supported marcos back in the 70s and early 80s, but they're doing this knowing that they're backing a corrupt and illegitimate ruler in arroyo.

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