Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Quick Gloriagate roundup

-- Cory, Susan, Erap, Drilon meet; Unification forces up.

The ARroyo admin thinks it's no big deal though.

-- Conrad de Quiros provides answers on the "credible alternatives". More on this from MLQ3.

-- Neal Cruz on VAT and the Arroyo admin's spending sprees

In pushing for the VAT, the administration said the government is bankrupt and needs more revenues. But the administration has embarked on a spending spree. Asked where the money is coming from, it says that it has "savings"-plenty of it, judging from the huge amounts GMA (Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo) is throwing around. If there are savings to justify the spending binge, then there is no more need to punish the people with higher taxes, di ba?

Read the whole thing.

-- Mike Luz getting screwed by the ARroyo admin.

-- Randy david vs. Ambassador Doronila

-- More on the WOWOWEE incident from Ellen Tordesillas.

-- From JB baylon:

Whether you are for or against GMA, I recommend that you grab a copy of Jarius Bondoc’s article that appeared on page 15 of the Philippine Star last Friday. Bondoc details the apparent horse-trading going on the highest levels of the Comelec in at least two instances: the poll protest for the mayoral position in Tanauan, Batangas and BiƱan, Laguna, with none other than the Comelec chair right at the center of it all.

I was initially afraid that Bondoc would be hit as a destabilizer for coming out with such a piece, but hey, this guy’s part of GMA’s Consultative Commission….which may in part explain why he did not go beyond questioning the Comelec’s actuations in these two cases. As for me, I immediately imagined Garci and Abalos and all other Comelec commissioners who, it seems, have perfected the "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" pose.

To think that the Comelec is supposed to be on a five-day seminar on moral values. I say fire the guys – or move them to CoA because I suspect they are better at counting money than votes.


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