Saturday, February 18, 2006

Strange happenings at the Supreme Court

link here.


Military confirms, then denies kill plot against Arroyo. < rolleyes > Nagkalituhan na naman ang militar sa talking points nila.

Anyway, is this similar to the Sen. Miriam's accusation na Cory and Sen. Drilon plotted to assasinate GMA too? LOL.


Ramos won't celebrate Edsa rites with GMA.


Arroyo solons defend sneaky "No El" provision in Arroyo's Cha cha, saying we "should not be paranoid" raw. Hwa hwa...

Previous: JDV sweetens pot with "No El" carrot


Arroyo allies whitewashed GLORIAGATE and ISAFP wiretapping scandal:

Yet even as these committees focus on what they call a conspiracy, they deliberately made no mention of the fact that MalacaƱang had manufactured a CD, passing the wiretapped conversations as the “original” with Gloria talking to her election officer, Gary Ruado, while another CD, the original chats, was passed off as “fake,” with Bunye’s claim that it had someone impersonating the poll official. For that matter, the House never called Ruado as a witness, despite his having admitted in a sworn statement that the voice on the Bunye tape sounded like him.

As for Garcillano, the House didn’t even recommend charges to be filed against him, with the committee chairman, Rep. Talino-Santos even being quoted as saying the former poll commissioner will be escaping criminal liability because he is no longer a government official! Wow, criminal liability is erased once a public official resigns, it seems.

As for former National Bureau of Investigation deputy chief Samuel Ong, who had said he has the “mother of all tapes,” the House cited him in contempt and ordered his arrest, this in spite of the fact that Ong’s life was in danger and that the justice chief had been vocal about having him arrested. But then, Ong is seen as a political foe, and definitely not an ally.

The House then claimed the truth was not arrived at. How could it have been arrived at when clearly, the intention of the Gloria-dominated House was to protect her by keeping the crime hidden? This was also the obvious reason the committees’ report didn’t touch Garcillano, because to recommend charging him would necessarily implicate his principal, Gloria.

Which is also why none of the Intelligence Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (Isafp) chiefs were touched — not even on grounds of perjury, despite the fact that it was clearly the Isafp that had done the wiretapping, which is the reason Gloria has not bothered to charge anyone with wiretapping, since she would have to admit it was she who was speaking with Garcillano and that she will never do, since that will also be an admission that she had asked Garcillano and all others — including the military and the police officials to cheat for her.

Read this too from the PDI: Factual Vacuum


And finally, this from Lito Banayo on People power:

It is now five years and a month since Edsa Dos. It is now twenty years, a generation, since the First Edsa. Yet never has governance been this bad. Never has corruption been this endemic. Never have truth and public morality been so abused.

And so, as we commemorate, to many with much regret, the Edsas of our lives, beginning with that historic watershed in our history when bullets were stopped by prayer and determination, we are haunted by the continuing failures of the governance that it spawned.

Now, the very same people who once braved the armor and the bayonets of a dictatorship are much too disgusted with the aftermath, that they are unwilling to engage themselves in another Edsa, this time to topple a government that is without argument the worst they have had to endure.

Our people are haunted with the failure of two Edsas to bring meaningful change in their lives. But this does not mean they will not support any move to oust the present maladministration, whose claim to power is without doubt illegitimate, and whose stay in such power is prolonged only by the gravy train of corruption that it practices precisely to buy such stay.

In the fullness of God’s own time and with His infinite mercy, such uprising will yet come. Maybe not at Edsa, the boulevard of shattered Filipino dreams, but certainly it will come.


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