Tuesday, March 28, 2006

About Arbet's proposal...

(Ito ang reaction ko sa comment nya about debating CHA CHA.)

Should we approve of Arroyo's constitution?


Why not?

Because I'm not in favor of changing our political system and I also don't want Arroyo to mess with our Bill of Rights. And I don't like the fact that what Arroyo is proposing is similar to the Marcos Constitution. Sorry, no can do.

Have I ever been for Charter Change?

No. Since FVR's time pa.

But am I willing to seriously consider Charter Change?

Maybe. But only if Arroyo's gone na and we have a new legit president who is also proposing Charter change.

Why not seriously debate it now, John?

Because even if i'm for charter change (and i'm not), I don't want to express my support for it, because I don't want Arroyo to use my support for CHA CHA to help legitimize or strengthen her cause.

How should the opposition react to Arroyo's CHA CHA?

By saying that Arroyo is the problem, not the constitution. And that changing the constitution to Arroyo's version will not solve the GLORIAGATE problem, but instead strengthen ARroyo and her allies and make things worse for us.

Passing the Arroyo Constitution will only make the ambitious and power-mad Arroyo and her power-hungry Porkers (oink oink... pork barrel... oink oink) in the House more powerful with the abolition of term limits and the removal the checks-and-balance, which is vital in our system to prevent corruption and abuse of power from the illegitimate Arroyo admin.

The opposition should offer the people an alternative to the Arroyo Consti, and that is to amend or repeal only the provisions in the constitution that restrict economic activities. Meaning, no more moves to change the constitution wholesale. No more changes in the political system. No more messing with our Bill of Rights.

But Arroyo and her allies will not like this though because they want more trapo power with their proposed Marcos-like Constitution.

Hope this helps, Arbet.

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