Thursday, March 30, 2006

Doronila's spin: Pass the Constitution to get rid of Arroyo

Ambassador Doronila suggests na the best way to get the Arroyo Constitution passed is to sell CHA CHA as a way to get her out in 2007.

Uh... why would I pass Arroyo's Constitution para lang siya mapaalis? In the first place, I don't like Arroyo's constitution because it's a poorly made, self-serving document.

We can only achieve real reforms, whether sa COMELEC o sa Constitution, if the people leading or making the reforms have credibility and legitmacy -- and the ARroyo admin doesn't have it.

I see Arroyo' cha cha as nothing more than a grand diversion to her GLORIAGATE problems.

If Doronila is really serious about real reforms, his first call would be to ask for ARroyo's resigntation first.

And he wouldn't want to be associated or get anywhere near GMA's constitution.

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