Friday, March 17, 2006

Down ang Black and White Movement blog

kanina pa. i hope everything's okay.

UPDATE: baka ganito rin yung nangyari...


  1. Hi John. Down na naman kami. This time, the page is completely blank, not even a 403 Forbidden. Gonna put up another one shortly, the posts are still accessible via dashboard. This is really wierd.

    As to what happened last night, Enteng and Dinky were released upon their own recognizance past midnight. they were charged in violation of BP880. Not only did we have a great legal team, but the presence of friends really made a difference. We were surprised at Mrs. Aquino's insistence on coming over, Dinky actually told her not to bother coming over. But she wasn't to be dissuaded, so she and Noynoy joined us. All of the other BnW convenors were either inside with us or outside, barred from entry to either WPD or night court.

    We were a small group, 22 people. Fencesitter joined us, some were poli sci students, others were barkada. We had no banners, we didn't chant, as siRAULo claimed. We never got to actually stroll on Baywalk, the cops, more than 50 (may firetruck pa sila), blocked us at the entrance of Aristocrat as we were leaving. Grabe ang overkill.

    Then Dinky, sensing the negotiations were going nowhere, said she'd walk alone and made her move with Enteng right behind her. The cops scurried to follow, we stuck right with them. When they reached the PED XING, the crosswalk, Enteng and Dinky waited for the light to change and stepped off the curb. Wham. They were abruptly picked up and hauled into the glass enclosed Precinct No. 9. From there we all went to WPD, where the cops dragged their heels till Mrs. Aquino arrived. Then it was off to night court and eventual release.

    One of the best parts - as we exited the courthouse, there were around 40 wellwishers waiting, holding a candlelight vigil. Enteng and Dinky were greeted by cheers. We all broke into Bayan Ko, lighting candles that spelled out FREE. Now that was a rally! In front of the court, no less. But did the cops arrest us? No way, they were all in their patrol cars haulin' ass outta there.

    Sorry for the long comment, am going through blog withdrawal. Have a cool weekend.

  2. nice to know everybody's safe and okay, helga.
