Wednesday, March 22, 2006

John Nery's analysis of the Latest Pulse Survey

From John Nery:

These days, with resignation in general terms the popular option, I think of the outrage gap in terms of the difference between those who want her to resign (all together, 59 percent of voting-age Filipinos) and those who are actually out in the streets, demanding her resignation.

the problem with this survey john nery is that there's no "people power" option na pwedeng piliin sa survey.

And those who are for resignation are not necessarily against people power and vice versa.

(Or those who are Noli's resignation are not necessarily against the idea of VP Noli as acting president while special elections are being prepared.)

The survey should have asked those who were in favor of arroyo's resignation if they will support people power to oust arroyo too.

kung resignation o coup (at foreign intervention) lang ang pagpipilian mo, resignation na lang.

Here's another post na gusto kong i-comment lang:

Let's deal with the 59 percent who say they want Arroyo to resign:

16 percent say they want GMA to resign and a snap election held
14 percent say they want VP Noli de Castro to take over
12 percent say they want both GMA and Noli to resign, followed by a snap election
10 percent say they want GMA to be replaced by a temporary council
7 percent say they want Noli to temporarily take over "while preparing for a new government under a new Constitution"
On the other hand, 34 percent say they want GMA to continue:

23 percent say until her term ends in 2010
11 percent say until a new parliamentary set-up is ready, even before 2010
Of all possible options, then, the continue-the-course-until-2010 actually ends up with the plurality -- an interpretation that favors Austero. Are we splitting political hairs? Possibly. But since politics is the realm of the possible, we need to look at the actual scenarios the pollster used in the survey.

it really doesn't matter, john. Erap had good poll numbers back in 2000. Majority of filipinos were actually against his resignation. poll after poll showed that. pero natanggal pa rin siya ano?

OTOH, most recent surveys show people want Arroyo to resign or be removed from office and have given her low approval ratings, but she's the one who was able to cling to her position by brute force and intimidation.

go figure.

Moral of the story: don't trust surveys. ;) :p

Moral of the story 2: as long as you have the military's support, you can do "people power", kahit na minority lang ang gustong magpabagsak sa isang presidente na katulad ni erap.

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