Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Mccarthyism in the Arroyo admin

(UPDATE: from MLQ3:

Mike Defensor phone David to apologise and to explain he was not “on the list”. “There’s a list?” David said.

Ahhh... so Arroyo's has her own "enemies list" too. interesting.)

In the past, if you're a critic of this admin, then you're labeled a "destabilizer".

Now, if you're for the illegitimate president's resignation or ouster, then you're a "coup plotter".

(So that makes this guy a coup plotter too?)

The gov't has gone on a fishing expedition.

list of leftist militants and communists (ehem, easy targets) who will be arrested by this admin. the problem with this arrest list is that pinag halo halo ng arroyo admin ang mga hardcore communists fighters (who should be arrested anyway without having to declare a state of emergency) and those leftists militants and leaders (well known anti-Arroyo critics) who are voicing their legitimate dissent and criticism of this corrupt and fake president.

Look, i'm not a communist, and i'm no commie sympathizer. I don't agree with them on almost all the issues, except this: Arroyo's illegitimate for having stolen the 2004 presidential elections and I agree with them that the corrupt Arroyo should either resign or be removed from office.

Besides, why should arroyo turn nasty on these leftists and communists when it is they who helped arroyo oust Erap back in 2001. LOL. More on that from Hillblogger. Weren't Arroyo allied with these same commies and lefties she's trying to arrest right now?

Conrad de quiros: Waning, waning, waned: The difference between Cory and GMA.


The coups against Cory were coups in the strictest sense of the term. They were bathed in secrecy -- such as anything in this country can -- and were meant to be surgical strikes. The reason for that is that the plotters could not just count on government, including the chain of command, to resist them, it could count on the fundamental institutions of society -- the media, civil society, the Catholic Church, etc. -- to do so. The media in fact rose as one to bitterly condemn the 1989 coup attempt, publishing a pooled editorial to that effect.

Today, if the media are rising as one, it is only to condemn Arroyo taking on martial-law powers. Or at least, the respectable media, not the toadies or today’s equivalent of the Daily Express of the past (or the Daily Suppress, as the public more accurately called it). The coup itself was openly advertised, the plotters fearing only government’s response to it. Completely unlike the coups of the past, the plotters expected the fundamental institutions of society as well as the public not only to not resist it but to support it. Hell, they even expected their higher ups to go along with it.

Different coups, different responses. The coups against Cory were launched by people determined to topple a legitimate government and scuttle democracy as we know it. Her response was to strengthen the institutions of the democracy even more. The coup against Arroyo was launched by people determined to topple a government shrouded in illegitimacy and, at least by its avowal, restore democracy as we know it. Her response has been to raze the institutions of democracy completely.

What can I say? I love Cory.

UPDATE: So are Brig. Gen. Francisco Gudani and Lt. Col. Alexander Balutan rightist coup-plotters too, trying to overthrow the arroyo admin?

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