Friday, March 10, 2006

PDI: Better in Bangkok

From the PDI editorial:

It is the height of irony that in Thailand, which our local plundering politicians keep pointing to in envy -- look at their economy, they say, look at their lovely parliamentary system -- the Thais have taken it upon themselves to keep People Power alive. And for all his other actions, their prime minister is not only eager to throw himself at the mercy of the electorate -- he has not cracked down on his protesting countrymen. And to think, Thaksin is not, by any means, a timid peacenik.

An essay currently being circulated by Julio Rey Hidalgo, a businessman, quotes the poet's line, "As to forms of government, let fools contend; what is best administered is best." Whether in Thailand or Manila, putting up constitutions as straw men to deflect attention from the shortcomings of leaders is neither a fair nor rational tactic. All it can result in is an insistence on "moving on," but a country confronted with a leadership that's lost the public's trust will not move on until the legitimacy of the ruler is resolved.

When we proposed a referendum as a means of resolving the questions surrounding President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's legitimacy, there was opposition -- no funds for such a referendum were available; and even if the funds were there, they would be better spent on a referendum on Charter change. And yet, as Sen. Sergio OsmeƱa III has pointed out, if the President could push for a supplemental budget for a national budget that hasn't even been passed, surely a budgetary obstacle to holding a referendum could not possibly exist.

If investors aren't in a panic in Thailand, it's not only because they expect Thaksin to survive the political crisis; it's because confronted with an angry population, the Thai prime minister is democratic enough to let his people vent their anger in the streets and is unafraid to throw the question of legitimacy to his people.

< Arnold Schwarzennegger's voice >NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! CHARTER CHANGE DAPAT!!!!!!!!!


MABUHAY KA ARROYO!!!!!< /Arnold Schwarzennegger's voice >

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