Wednesday, March 01, 2006

PDI Editorial: Declaration of Freedom

From the PDI:

PROCLAMATION 1017 asserts, without proof, that some members of the national media have "recklessly magnified" the "claims" of alleged conspirators. But an examination of the context in which that assertion is made shows us that what the Arroyo administration really wants is to prevent opposing views from being published or criticism from being aired. (The use of the word "claims" is telling. Given that the actual plot to seize power has been reportedly aborted, the word can only refer to unflattering news and anti-Arroyo views, already published or aired.)

That makes Proclamation 1017 a declaration of war on the Bill of Rights. In the guise of saving the Republic from an unholy alliance of "authoritarians" on the left and "adventurists" on the right allegedly conspiring with opportunists from the opposition, the President has launched an assault on our very civil liberties.

Read the whole thing.

More from Conrad de Quiros.

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