Wednesday, April 05, 2006

PCIJ blog turns one year old

Congrats to them.

They were only one of the few organizations in the media that did a good job in reporting the truth about the Gloriagate scandal when it first broke out. And they were the only news organization who had the guts to make the tapes available for everybody to hear, when most of the mainstream media were cowering in fear and toeing the administration and Raul Gonzales' line not to play the tapes.

No wonder Sassy Lawyer and readers were furious at them.

(And can you imagine CNN, BBC, MSNBC or the other US networks (even FOXNEWS) self-censoring themselves if Bush and Cheney were the ones caught on tape trying to rig the elections?)


Poll exec admits massive fraud in 2004 elections. Plus: Expert witnesses estimate 661K to 1.2 M fake votes for Gloria


Ninez has some questions worth pondering about the PI signature campaign:

It is highly suspect that a one-day barangay session, which did not even have a full-blown discussion of the plus and minuses of the parliamentary system, vis a vis the presidential system — much less the issue of no-elections, could have garnered five million votes, as claimed by the Sigaw ng Bayan group and later claim that another million signatures had been added to the original number.

In the first place, it is impossible for any one group, to claim this number of five million, as these forms could not have been collated in less than a day. Who did the national computation of five million signatures? The Sigaw ng Bayan group? But what legal personality does it have to (1) print all those documents for signing; (2) distribute this to the thousands of barangays nationwide; and (3) collect the papers and collate the number of signatories? No private group can possibly effect this in one day. Only a government agency, such as the Comelec or the Department of Interior and Local Government, which has control over the local governments, can effect this — but even in this, neither body can get to count the total signatories found in those Charter change (Cha-cha) sheets.

In the second place, such big number, said to already represent 12 percent of the voting population, is impossible. The only conclusion that can be gathered is that all those who attended the barangay assembly consisted of 3 percent of each legislative district and even more incredible, all those who attended, without any absences, all signed up — and without anyone discussing the issue of Cha-cha. Can anybody find this credible? What is the probability of each barangay session being filled up and by 3 percent of the voting population and all signing up for the systems shift which they don’t even understand?

They did all of this in one day, eh?

More: Business leaders say Cha-cha cannot solve the country’s problems

From Malaya Editorial:

As we look at the front ranks of the purported "people’s initiative" to change the Constitution, all we see are intellectual dwarfs and moral pygmies. These are the people who, through charter change, will lead us to the promised land of political maturity and economic prosperity? Even Dr. Jose Abueva, former UP president and chairman of the consultative commission which drew up a proposed set of amendments to the 1987 Constitution, is nowhere to be found. Nahiya na rin.


Thaksin gives up?

The Nation: No reconciliation without justice

Make no mistake, any proposal for national reconciliation that involves compromising democratic principles, sound governance and public accountability would never be acceptable. Prerequisites for national reconciliation include not only Thaksin's standing down, but also his Thai Rak Thai Party stepping aside to make way for a provisional government that would implement comprehensive constitutional reforms that would safeguard against the kind of blatant power abuse and corruption so commonplace under Thaksin's watch. An independent inquiry must also be initiated to look into corruption allegations and conflicts of interest involving Thaksin, his family and their cronies.

Failing that, there can be no reconciliation.


A Jollibee Black Friday!


This is how GMA should do things, when she decides it's time to resign for the good of the country.

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