Saturday, April 08, 2006

Sigaw ng Bayan o Sigaw ng Pulitiko?

PDI Editorial: "So what, in the end, did Thaksin's fall from grace achieve? Several important things."

A must-read article.


I don't agree with Mareng Winnie on many issues, but this one I agree with her: Arroyo's Charter Change sucks donkey balls

Even though she couldn't resist taking a swipe at the anti-Arroyo groups at the end of her article, I think it's still worth reading.

PCIJ: CBCP alarmed by charter-change campaign motivated by ’self-serving interests’

Two contrasting views on Charter change from former CON COM member Rene Azurin and Alex Magno. Sigaw ng Bayan o Sigaw ng Pulitiko?


"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

-- Thomas Jefferson


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