Sunday, May 28, 2006

Alejandra Nash's Photo

John Banks of the DMN's Mavericks blog is looking for a photo of Steve Nash's lovely wife Alejandra Nash.

Wife wants to know what Alejandra Nash looks like. I promised her we would help if she let me keep the remote tonight. (I am not downtown with the AAC crew.) As some of you know, said wife flipped the channel to 8 for segment on arm lifts during Game 1 crucial last moments, causing me to hyperventilate.

Anyone out there help? She was at Game 1.

I found a picture of Alejandra. I'm not sure if it is her though, since I haven't seen her before. Can someone please confirm it?

More on Alejandra from the Dallas Morning News Mavs blog:

After the game, Christie spotted a very attractive woman in the same ladies room wearing a Suns jersey. Christie said something like, "Well, at least if you guys had to win, it was my former favorite player who killed us."

She was talking about Steve Nash, of course.

That's when this lady smiled sympathetically and introduced herself as Alejandra Nash. (The two-time MVP married his longtime girlfriend last June.)

UPDATE: Here's another Alejandra Nash photo from the Suns website.

Alejandra Nash and Steve


  1. that is her on both of those pics, stine.

  2. i'm wondering how you guys got to my space^_^

    anyway, it IS Alejandra, Nash's wife. i also have a video about that pic.
