Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Conrad de Quiros: Snap Gloria!

From CDQ:

It’s no small irony that Arroyo’s supporters should keep using that line “Let’s move on,” when the last thing this country is able to do is move. We have been condemned to go round and round in circles or, like Sisyphus, to push a rock up a mountain only to see it fall back again and again. I agree: Let’s move on. Let’s move on by removing the one huge obstacle that lies in our path. Let’s move on by smashing the shackles that prevent us from moving. Removing Arroyo won’t solve everything, but it sure as hell will solve a great many things. Removing Arroyo won’t naturally make us advance, but it sure as hell will bring us to a point where we may be able to.

I’ve repeatedly offered a way to move on. That is snap elections. We cannot move on because we have an illegitimate president, we can move on by having a legitimate president. That is done by snap elections. I have little doubt that if everyone will unite on that one simple and logical call, it can and will be carried out. I propose in this light that in lieu of, or alongside, “Stop Cha-Cha!” we form an alliance called “Snap Gloria!” The “Snap” there meaning, “Say No to A Phony.” That is one coalition that will have the blessings of 65 percent of the population.

Let’s stop hacking at the branches. Let’s remove the root of the problem once and for all.

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